Who Is Esther Hicks?

Esther Hicks is a New York Times best-selling author who claims to communicate for a group of nonphysical beings. These beings, through Esther, give workshops and write books, offering people advice on how to improve their health, wealth, and relationships using various metaphysical laws.

Scam or Fraud...Abers Don't Care.

Abers is a friendly name that people practicing some of the Abraham principles use to describe one another. I have noticed as I've sifted through the discussion boards, there is a stubborn mentality within some members of the Abraham community that goes something like, "It's not about the messenger. It's about the message." When asked what they would think if they discovered Esther was a fraud, this is their usual response. To give you an idea of how entrenched this logic is among Abers, I have included some quotes from discussion boards.

“I appreciate the teachings of Abraham Hicks via Esther and Jerry Hicks but if tomorrow morning they both announced they were complete frauds, I would still thank them for the tools they have provided.” - http://oasisaspect.com/insight/abraham-hicks-scam/

“Some people say this is a scam, i dont care if its a scam, if there is an abraham or not, the words that are spoken regardless of where they come from or who they come from amaze me.” – ziggystardustish @ http://fatlosssite.com/abraham-natural-weight-loss-esther-jerry-hicks

“To those who are skeptics and cynics maybe we need to look into the question of whether Abraham Hicks does exist after all. I admit I thought about the same question when I first read their best known book “Ask And It Is Given”, but after a couple of pages I realized that there was just a single sensible answer to it – It doesn’t matter.” - http://estherabrahamhicks.net/

does it matter if they are frauds? i personally have no time for the 'channeling' shite, But LOA works for me and apparently for them as well. So who can say? Take what you want out of the message and bin the rest.” – Anonymous Coward on http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message591690/pg1

“I live a better life because of them. Frauds or not, they make me a better person and feel better.” – Goddess of Scorpions http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message591690/pg7

“The whole spirit aspect to there work is inconsequential to what there message is.” - http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message591690/pg7

“My philosophy is, "It's not about the messenger, it's about the message." I apply this to all my teachers.” – Barbara

"So, you think channelling is a complete scam? You could be right. I have thought about it over the years and I just don’t know, I have seen some pretty convincing channeling. Esther and Jerry have being doing this a long time. I wonder how a person can keep up an act like that for so long without a complete breakdown? Is it just pure greed? I know Jerry was an actor at one point, do they just ‘write it off’ as acting? The message that is delivered by ‘Abraham’ seems in essence ‘good’. So, I guess I feel if no one is getting hurt and people actually feel better after receiving the messages then I don’t have a problem with it." - Angela http://www.spiritwalk.org/blog/jerry-and-esther-hicks-secret-behind-the-secret/

"Can I Ask You a Question? What Difference Does It Makes Whether They Are Legit On The Abraham Deal Or Not? Just Humor Me Here.! Imagine One Morning Jerry Telling Esther... Hey Dear, You Know? I Got a Great Idea! Lets Trick-Flip The Entire World With This Bounteous Line, Listen Dear, You Are Gonna Remember Your Acting Classes Ok?, Your Are Gonna Close Your Eyes And Then Pretend That a Bunch Of Wild Spirits Speak Trough You, And With This Gig We Will Crack In Our Bag a Pile Of Cash.! And Even If Is In Deed a Fraud, You Know? I Would Admire Them Even More For Being Able To Do What They Do With NO Abraham... They Would Be A Bigger Heroes To Me..." - Gerude (in the comments on my blog)

"I know that even if someone were to present to me in this red-hot minute proof positive that Esther is just being fed lines through her earpiece, that every single hot-seater is hand-picked and prepped, and that Jerry thought this whole spiel up himself while he was working for/with that evil, evil pyramid-scheme empire - it would not make a WHIT of difference to me. Because I have EXPERIENCED the benefit of this material in my own day-to-day and I am HAPPIER than I have been in over 25 years. I was just about suicidal when I chanced upon these teachings. SO WHAT if it's snake-oil? It's working for ME! I've said it before and I'll say it again: If this truly WERE a hoax, I would be the FIRST to start a movement to have Esther and Jerry nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize AND Esther for the Oscar for Best Actress in a Leading Role. I am not kidding." - CreatorChristine

"It matters not a cahoot is Esther is fake or not ( if she is she is a darn excellent actress!....hehe) The important thing is that all these teachings work, whether from Esther, Seth or any other source..... and have altered many lives for the better." - katers

"Who even cares if LoA is real? Not me anymore! If I woke up tomorrow and found out that Abraham and LoA was all a big scam, it wouldn't bug me in the least!" - manateekisses